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We are based out of Sydney, NSW, Australia

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Frequently Asked Questions

Some events are celebrated as members-only, whereas others are open for public. This decision is completely RANI’s descrition. However, even for public events, RANI may decide to price the tickets differently for members and non-members.

The RANI membership is at a very nominal price. Moreover, it is not a per-person membership, but a per-family membership. This makes the membership price very very cheap. 

Please fill out this form to become a member

We are very active on Facebook, which is our main point of contact with the community. Please follow us on our Facebook page.

We would appreciate any contribution from the society. This contribution is used towards providing a better education quality to under privileged students in Rajasthan. Please donate to us using the following details:

Bank account name: Rajasthani Association of NSW Incorporated
BSB: 062221
Account number: 10316544
Description: Donation_to_RANI